Linked items

Connect related work items for better visibility and collaboration.

You can link workflow items together to track dependencies, highlight relationships, and ensure your team stays aligned. For example, if a bug is blocking a story, linking them ensures everyone can see the connection, prioritize the work, and resolve the issue faster.

When you link two items, they appear in each other's Linked items section, making it easy to navigate between related work and keep track of connections.

Linked items

The Linked items section in the item details sidebar gives you a snapshot of all work connected to the current item. Each linked item includes:

  • Item type and ID: Quickly identify whether the item is a story or bug.
  • Title preview: Provides context at a glance (titles are obscured for items on private team backlogs you can't access).
  • Workflow step icon: Show the item's current status.
  • Risk rating: Highlights potential impact for bugs.

Hover over the linked item to view additional details, such as:

  • Assignee: See who's responsible for the item.
  • Team backlog: Displays the team managing the item.
  • Size: Indicates the effort required for stories.

If the item is on a private team backlog, you'll see a message indicating restricted access. You won't be able to view additional details or click to navigate to the item.

Link an existing item

Linking items items make relationships explicit and keeps related work visible. For example, you might link a bug to several stories it impacts or associate one story with another to track dependencies.

  1. Click the plus (+) symbol next to Linked items in the item details sidebar.
  2. Search for an item by ID, title, or description, or pick from the Recently created section.
    1. Items from private team's you're not a member of won't appear.
  3. Select the item to add it to the Linked items list.

Link to a new item

Sometimes, as you're working on an item, you'll realize something new needs to be tracked—like a story to handle extra requirements or a bug that needs fixing. Linking it right away helps you capture the connection while its fresh, so nothing gets overlooked later.

  1. Click the plus (+) symbol next to Linked items in the item details sidebar.
  2. At the bottom of the list, click + Create a new item .
  3. From the menu, select Story or Bug.
  4. Use the draft editor to create your item.
    • You can navigate to other areas in Atono as you're writing your draft, and the link will remain intact.
  5. When finished, click Create to save the item and add it to the Linked items list.

Remove a linked item

Removing outdated or incorrect links keeps the Linked items list relevant and focused, helping avoid confusion for your team.

Click the X next to the item in the Linked items list.