
Align teams and stakeholders with clear delivery timelines.

Timelines organize timeboxes into a visual schedule, helping you plan workloads, coordinate releases, and share roadmaps with stakeholders.


The Timelines page lists all the timelines in your workspace, showing each timeline's name, description, owner, and when it was last updated. From here, you can:

  • View timelines, with the ability to filter for just the one's you've created.
  • Manage timeboxes within a timeline.
  • Edit a timeline's details.
  • Delete timelines no longer in use.

Manage timelines

Effectively managing timelines helps you stay organized and ensures your plans are always up-to-date.

Create a timeline

Timelines bring structure to your planning with views tailored to specific goals, teams, or audiences.

  1. In the side menu, click Timelines.
  2. On the Timelines page, click Create timeline.
  3. In the Create timeline dialog:
    • Enter a unique name for your timeline. Special characters like @ { } ' ~ | aren't allowed.
    • Optionally, add a description to explain the timeline's purpose.
  4. Click Create timeline, or click X to cancel.

View your timelines

Quickly focus on timelines you've created or browse all available ones.

  • To filter the list for your timelines, enable the My timelines checkbox in the table header.
  • To view all timeboxes, clear the checkbox.

Edit timeline details (name and description)

Keep stakeholders aligned by updating a timeline's name or description as plans or focus area evolve.

  1. On the Timelines page, hover over the timeline you want to edit.
  2. Click the ellipses (...) icon at the far right of the table row.
  3. From the menu, select Edit timeline details.
  4. In the Edit timeline details dialog, update the timeline's name or description as needed.
  5. Click Update details, or click X to cancel.

Delete a timeline

Remove timelines that are no longer relevant to keep your workspace organized and ensure outdated plans don't cause confusion.

  1. On the Timelines page, hover over the timeline you want to delete.
  2. Click the ellipses (...) icon at the far right of the table row.
  3. Select Delete.
  4. In the Delete timeline dialog, click Delete timeline to confirm, or click X to cancel.

View a timeline

When you open a timeline, it displays a visual schedule of timeboxes. The default view displays the current quarter, but you can scroll and zoom to adjust your view.

Each timebox displays its name, and depending on your view, additional details like:

  • The number of stories or bugs included.
  • Associated product themes.
  • Teams linked to items in the timebox.

Scroll through the timeline

You can explore the timeline in several ways:

  • Horizontally: Drag the timeline or swipe on a mouse or trackpad.
  • Vertically: Use a mouse wheel or swipe on a mouse or trackpad to move through the timebox list.
  • Return to today: Click the calendar icon at the top of the timeline.

Adjust zoom levels

Tailor your view to suit your needs:

  • Zoom in to focus on precise details, like a 2-day span.
  • Zoom out to see the big picture, with up to 5 years displayed at once.

You can adjust zoom by:

  • Pinching on a trackpad.
  • Scrolling with the mouse wheel while holding the Ctrl (Windows) or Command (Mac) key.
  • Using the zoom controls in the bottom-right corner.

Your zoom level is remembered for each timeline.

Adjust timebox height

To view more or less detail in a timebox:

  • Adjust a single timebox: Hover over its bottom border. When the resize handle appears, drag to make it taller (up to 3 lines) or shorter.
  • Adjust all timeboxes: Use the height controls in the bottom left of the timeline to set timeboxes to 1, 2, or 3 lines.

Filter timeboxes

Find timeboxes that include items associated with particular teams or product themes by applying one or more filters.

  1. Click Filter by at the top of the table.
  2. Select a filter and fill in any required details.
  3. Click Done.
  4. Repeat steps 1-3 to add an additional filter as needed.

The timeline updates to display only timeboxes matching criteria from all filters.

Available filters

TeamView timeboxes that include items on the selected teams' backlogs, or items with 'No team'.
Product themeView timeboxes that include items assigned to particular product themes, or items with 'No product theme'.

Use timeboxes

Timeboxes provide a snapshot of key information on a timeline, such as stories, bugs, associated themes, and teams. You can also customize timeboxes by changing their colors directly on a timeline to make them visually distinct or convey a theme.


Dive deeper

You can open a timebox to explore its contents in more detail or link to a filtered view of those items on the Everything page. For more details about creating, managing, and viewing timeboxes, visit the Timeboxes help guide.

Add a timebox to the timeline

Adding timeboxes allows you to visualize specific deliverables and milestones on your timeline.

  1. When viewing a timeline, click Add timebox.
  2. Do one of the following:
    • Search or select an existing timebox.
    • Click + Create a new timebox and fill out the required information. For details, see step 4 in Create a timebox.

View items in a timebox

Hover over the story or bug icon in a timebox to preview a list of items, including their:

  • Item ID
  • Title
  • Current workflow step

View associated product themes

Hover over the product theme icon in a timebox to see a list of associated product themes. Items in the timebox determine the associated themes.

View associated teams

Hover over the team icon in a timebox to see teams linked to items in the timebox. Teams are associated when items are assigned to their backlog.

Change a timebox's color

Timeboxes are assigned a default color when created, but you can change their color to make them stand out or align with other timeboxes for a cohesive visual theme.

  1. Hover over a timebox.

  2. Do one of the following:

    • Click the ellipses (...) icon next to the timebox and select Change color.
  • Click the colored edge of the timebox.
  1. In the popup, select a new color or choose from the currently used palette.

Remove a timebox from a timeline

Remove timeboxes to clean up outdated plans and maintain a clear view of your current priorities.

  1. Hover over a timebox.
  2. Click the ellipses (...) icon next to the timebox and select Remove from timeline.
  3. In the Remove timebox from timeline dialog, click Remove timebox to confirm, or click X to cancel.